Hemera left Tartarus just as Nyx entered it, when Hemera return Nyx left. Control of Diurnal Animals: Hemera is able to control small diurnal animals.Circadian Manipulation: Hemera is capable of controlling the movement and rotation of planets, which enables her to change the flow of night and day.Pyrokinesis: As the Primordial Goddess of Day, Hemera has divine authority and control over fire.Luminosity Camouflage: Hemera can use light to become invisible.Vitakinesis: Hemera is able to heal minor injuries sustained by herself and others using luminosity.However, even she cannot see in the absolute darkness created by the combined might of dozens of other gods. Night Vision: Hemera is able to see clearly in even total darkness.Light Travel: Hemera is able to travel anywhere she desired at incredible speeds through sunlight.Light Generation: She can shoot solid bolts of luminosity, surround enemies in pitch-white clouds of white space, and solidify light into virtually impenetrable shields.

Day Empowerment: Hemera becomes stronger during day or in really bright places.Photokinesis: As the Protogenos of day, Hemera has divine authority and absolute control over light and brightness.She displays a very kind demeanor and a cheerful personality, being one of the only ones who likes humanity, but has a bad relationship with her mother, Nyx, and doesn't trust her. Hemera resides with her mother in Tartarus, but the two deities rarely met each other in home.Īs a primordial, Hemera doesn't have a defined personality, as it can vary by entity. Hemera was the daughter of Nyx and Erebus and the consort/sister of Aether.